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Get Your Allergies Under Control with Allergy Testing

Get Your Allergies Under Control with Allergy Testing

Allergy symptoms —whether they’re mild or severe — are an unwelcome nuisance at best and a debilitating problem at worst. They manifest in all kinds of uncomfortable ways, from a rash or a runny nose to itchy eyes or simply feeling “out of it.”

Sometimes, allergy sufferers don’t know they’re experiencing an allergic reaction and assume it’s a cold or some other problem that will resolve on its own. Allergies are stubborn, however, and can pop up at any time in your life. Unfortunately, they can be quite harmful too.

If allergies are cramping your style, you’re in the best hands at One Health Medical Care in Reston, Virginia. Board-certified internist Dr. Mingliarti Tjahjana and nurse practitioner Kendra Lee Blythe can create a care plan for you that’s tailored to your needs, provides lasting relief, and helps you get back to doing the things you love.

Allergy symptoms are diverse and range in severity

When you consider what you can be allergic to, the list goes on:

With environmental allergies, symptoms tend to include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, watery, itchy eyes, coughing and postnasal drip, along with a general feeling of being “wrung out.” You also might develop hives, experience headaches, find yourself wheezing, or develop dark circles under your eyes, also known as allergic shiners.

Food allergy symptoms may present more alarmingly. If you ingest something you’re allergic to, your skin reddens, your lips and tongue swell, and so can your windpipe, which threatens your ability to breathe. Vomiting can also be a symptom, as your body tries to rid itself of the offending food.

A reaction to a contact allergen can show up on your skin as redness, bumpiness, intense itching, and flakiness, oozing, or even bleeding. 

Allergies can be severe — they can make you lose consciousness — and sometimes deadly. For example, you can go into anaphylactic shock and have trouble breathing when you eat a food you’re allergic to, or when you’re allergic to bee venom and get stung. This is when your body releases a surge of chemicals that can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, pulse quickening or slowing, and constricted airways.

Allergy management begins with an accurate diagnosis 

It’s hard to deal with the discomfort and potential danger of allergies if you don’t have a proper diagnosis or treatment plan. At One Health Medical Care, we provide standard allergy testing to help you get started on the road to better allergy management and improved wellness. 

The first, pivotal step is figuring out exactly what you’re allergic to. To do so, we administer a blood test, which shows us the specific antibodies your body is producing in reaction to the allergens you’re exposed to — whether they’re foods, environmental allergens in your home or at work, or substances that affect your skin. 

When Dr. Tjahjana has this snapshot of what’s going on in your body, she can make an accurate diagnosis and create an effective treatment plan that might include over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications, allergy shots, and making lifestyle changes to help avoid the allergens that trigger your symptoms. 

This might mean upping your cleaning routine at home, choosing tropical fish over a dog or cat, or becoming vigilant about checking food labels for ingredients you shouldn’t be exposed to.

Ready to gain the upper hand over your allergies?

Are you ready to get your allergies under control? Our One Health Medical Care team is here to help you put an end to the stuffy nose, itchy eyes, skin problems, fatigue, and other problems that accompany allergies — so you can concentrate on the things you enjoy once again. 

Call 571-572-9198 to reach our Reston, Virginia, office today, or use our easy online booking feature to schedule an appointment at your convenience.

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