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Uncovering Stomach Troubles: Could It Be Food Allergies or H. Pylori?

Food Allergy vs H Pylori

Digestive discomfort can be caused by both food allergies and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, but they have different causes and treatments.

Food allergies are immune reactions to specific foods, like nuts or dairy, causing symptoms ranging from mild (upset stomach) to severe (anaphylaxis). Diagnosis requires allergy testing, and treatment involves avoiding triggers and possibly using an epinephrine injector.

On the other hand, H. pylori is a bacterium that causes chronic stomach inflammation, leading to symptoms like bloating and nausea. It’s not triggered by food and is diagnosed through breath, stool, or blood tests. Treatment involves antibiotics and acid-reducing medications.

Understanding the difference is essential for effective treatment. If you're experiencing ongoing digestive issues, schedule a consultation with us at One Health Medical Care. Call us at (571) 572-9198 or book an appointment at www.onehealthmedicalcare/schedule so we can help you identify the cause and get the right treatment.

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